Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


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The vast grounds filled with lush greenery during spring and knee deep snow during the winters.
The vast grounds filled with lush greenery during spring and knee deep snow during the winters.
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The dungeons of Hogwarts Castle are located under the school, and it is colder there than in the main castle.
The dungeons of Hogwarts Castle are located under the school, and it is colder there than in the main castle.
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Ground floor
The Ground Floor is the floor above the Dungeons/Basement and below the First floor. It contains a number of courtyards, halls and rooms
The Ground Floor is the floor above the Dungeons/Basement and below the First floor. It contains a number of courtyards, halls and rooms
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First floor
Except when having to attend classes most students tend to avoid this floor in case Moaning Myrtle is feeling particularly miserable that day and one might end up with wet shoes.
Except when having to attend classes most students tend to avoid this floor in case Moaning Myrtle is feeling particularly miserable that day and one might end up with wet shoes.
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Second floor
This floor is one of the places where students avoid the most of all due to the number of professor's office which are in here.
This floor is one of the places where students avoid the most of all due to the number of professor's office which are in here.
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Third floor
The third floor might as well be known as the 'Dust Floor' because it has the ability to collect dust faster then the others. You might end up in this floor to dust the cobwebs for your detention.
The third floor might as well be known as the 'Dust Floor' because it has the ability to collect dust faster then the others. You might end up in this floor to dust the cobwebs for your detention.
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Fourth floor
Next to the Ground Floor, this floor has the most mingling of houses due to the study area and dueling club. Relax with your friends with a book or challenge to a duel.
Next to the Ground Floor, this floor has the most mingling of houses due to the study area and dueling club. Relax with your friends with a book or challenge to a duel.
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Fifth floor
One of the quietest floors in the castle as most of the normal students avoid this place to avoid being lectured by a prefect or worse a Ravenclaw prefect.
One of the quietest floors in the castle as most of the normal students avoid this place to avoid being lectured by a prefect or worse a Ravenclaw prefect.
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Sixth Floor
Oddly one of the warmest floors in the castle and one of the most relaxing places as well.
Oddly one of the warmest floors in the castle and one of the most relaxing places as well.
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Seventh Floor
The highest floor of the castle can get a bit windy sometimes. It's up for debate if this is actually the weather or just the Gryffindors trying to do something reckless.
The highest floor of the castle can get a bit windy sometimes. It's up for debate if this is actually the weather or just the Gryffindors trying to do something reckless.
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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is located in Scotland.
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